Bear Garden Christian Preschool熊寶寶幼兒教室 

Dear parents:

After searching so hard for a good preschool for your beloved son/daughter,  are you still puzzled which one is the best for him/her? Being a  mother of three boys, I have been through that situation several  times. I know exactly how you are feeling.

With my enthusiasm and passion in children's education, I am running a friendly home-based preschool, applying creative teaching method as well as professionally designed materials, including the  famous Kindermusik®, Character First Education® and JELIC  Intelligence Development Curriculum. More importantly, they will be delivered  to your child with abundant love and care in a clean and safe environment. I emphasize a lot on character building, which for sure will  benefit your beloved one life long!

You are cordially invited to share the blessings of Bear Garden! Please come to visit us, and you may find that this preschool is exactly the right one for your precious one : )    May God bless your family abundantly....

with much love and hope,

Mrs. Esther Kuo,  since 2002 (California License number: 434416510)



        您是否正為您的小寶貝找不到合適的學校就讀而苦惱呢﹖回想許多年前﹐我的大兒子四歲時﹐我也曾在百般尋覓之後﹐仍找不到讓我放心的學校﹐ 心中既焦急又徬徨 ﹗好不容易選定之後﹐又擔心那需要照顧十多個孩子的老師﹐會忙不過來而冷落了我的小寶貝﹗那忐忑不安的心緒﹐至今依舊鮮明﹗如今我的三個兒子已經長大成人了,真的是光陰似箭!

        多年來基於對幼兒教育的熱愛,和當年不愉快經驗的切身體會﹐我一直懷著一個理念﹕在我的家中﹐用愛經營一個 乾淨 ﹐舒適﹐設備齊全﹐人數又不多的幼兒教室﹐使父母全然放心﹐讓孩子們在家的溫馨氣氛中﹐和同伴一起茁壯﹐享受學習的樂趣。感謝 神,二十多年來,熊寶寶幼兒教室陪伴了,許許多多可愛的孩子,快樂平安地長大,而我也有很多的機會,傾聽他們的父母心中的苦與樂,和他們一起成長。如今夢想已然成真,我的心中充滿了感恩!

         我深知優質的教材﹐不僅引發孩子的興趣﹐還能使學習事半功倍。所以我採用以啟發幼兒智能聞名的“傑立卡”(JELIC)﹔培養優良品性的“品格第一”; 並且使用知名的 Kindermusik®音樂教材,陶冶孩子的身心。多年來為了預備自己的心﹐並提昇專業水平﹐我頻閱教育幼兒的書籍和 雜誌﹐參加相關的講習﹐也修習有關的專業執照﹐期盼自己成 為一個讓家長寬慰﹐使孩子們一生受益的啟蒙老師﹗

        孩子的童年只有一個﹐每一天都如此寶貴﹗如果您和我一樣﹐竭盡心力﹐想為他們創造甜美又充實的回憶﹐歡迎您和我聯絡﹗ 願  神祝福您全家 ~


 於  Bear Garden, since 2002